Bell Ringing

Bell ringing is an enjoyable pastime open to all. Visit the Association of Ringing Teachers website for information on what happens across the country and beyond. Ringing bells is a surprisingly enjoyable collaborative activity,  be a part of it and try ringing – for all ages (8+) and all faiths and probably not what you expect! Be surprised and have a go. Get in touch and we will arrange for you to have a go without any obligation. But we promise you you’ll be in for a surprise.

The surprising world of bell ringing!

The following information is designed to give you a first introduction to what we do in the bell tower.
Bell ringing in the English fashion (campanology, to use the smart name) is a centuries-old art, which has its origins in mediaeval times. The advent of full-circle ringing, as it is practised today, occurred sometime during the sixteenth century.

If you are interested in having a go we will show you the bells, static and in action, and describe the various aspects of this; we will then teach you (over a period of some weeks) how to handle a bell safely and confidently. After that, you will be able to take part in ringing with others and become integrated little by little. Initially, we will teach you to ring using a “tied” bell, as your ability increases, we encourage you to join our full practice. At some point you will cease to be a ‘beginner’, but please bear in mind the initial learning process is lengthy, and requires regular attendance; the enjoyment you will gain later will be well worth the effort!

To find out more about how we train bell ringers visit our Ringing Centre website.

The great thing about ringing is that you can progress as far as you wish – there is always something new to attempt – or you can decide when you have progressed far enough. Either way, you will find just as much pleasure and enjoyment, both from the ringing and also from the new friendships you make. You will also find that, wherever you may be in this country if ringing is taking place, you will be able to join in; you will be welcomed with open arms!
Why do we do it? Primarily we ring as a service to the church. Also, we find ringing a pleasurable hobby to be enjoyed with others. This, of course, does indicate a commitment on your part; the weekly programme at Eckington is as follows:
Sunday. We ring before the morning service: 9.00 – 9.30 am and occasionally before other services. Whilst we don’t expect you to ring for every service we do expect that you will ring on some Sundays.
We hold beginners’ sessions as required these are at times agreed mutually between the beginner and tutor. It is important to attend these sessions promptly, as these sessions are tailored just for the particular beginner.
Thursday is our main practice night, we start at 7.30 when beginners are welcome to watch and hopefully join in. The practice finishes at about 9.00 p.m. and we like to reserve as much of the final hour for the more experienced ringing practice.

We are also sometimes asked to ring for weddings and other special occasions, and we assemble a team to cover these as and when required. On such occasions, we sometimes enlist the help of ringers from other churches, and in return, we help elsewhere whenever we are able. We treat this as outside the normal expectation, and you should not feel obliged to commit yourself if it is not convenient. (We usually receive a small fee on these occasions…)

Meetings. Ringing meetings are held regularly in the area, at which we meet ringers from other churches and ring with them. These are usually held under the auspices of a Ringing Association (or Guild), and are very friendly occasions.

Social. Outings are arranged from time to time, to ring at churches further afield. These can be very enjoyable, and apart from the ringing, get you into the parts of the country that others don’t reach! We also have social occasions, which don’t include ringing; for example, quiz nights, car treasure hunts, and informal and formal evenings out.