The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) to elect Churchwardens and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will both be held virtually via a Zoom meeting on Monday 29th March, the first meeting will be starting promptly at 7:30 p.m. As these meetings have differing attendance criteria there will be 2 distinct meetings. The statutory notices are displayed on the notice boards of the churches of the ecclesiastical parish. A copy of the APM notice can be downloaded here. A copy of the APCM notice for church members can be downloaded here.
Because the meetings are to be held over the internet pre-registration is required. This will be a 2 stage process, to obtain a link to begin the process either follow the instructions on the posters or complete this form. It will be possible to join the meetings using a telephone so an internet connection is not required. However registration is! So if you know someone who wishes to join the meeting you can register on their behalf and supply them with the joining instructions.
In preparation for this meeting the Parish Electoral Roll has been reviewed. If you wish to check your status on the roll prior to the meeting please make contact with the Electoral Roll Officer, Mr Don Jones.